
在WE8S的IE裡如果想透過Adobe Flash撥放video的話,結果是令人失望的,即使裝了"Adobe Flash Player 11 Support"的catalog。但若不用IE改用Chrome/FireFox卻可以撥放,這是怎樣的問題?

答案是"Adobe Flash Player 11 Support"的重點在於Support,裡面並沒有含真正的Adobe Flash Player 11在裡面,整個白話的意思看下來"Adobe Flash Player 11 Support"只是個門票,Flahs Player還是得跟Adobe談授權才可以裝在在device上。[註一]

那為什麼用Chrome又可以,因為Chrome已經整合了 flash的所有功能性,所以end user不需要付任何費用就可以透過Chrome看video[註二]。那一定會有人說為什麼IE不這麼做,這你問我我也不知道,MS PG team這樣的制定方式一定有考量在,如果不想跟Adobe談授權且有無workaround的方式可以解決,只能透過third party的browser Chrome/FireFox,如果硬要用IE看video,那真的無解了。

註一:(Feedback from MS) 

Adobe Flash is not included in the Catalog for inclusion in a Windows Embedded 8 Standard image. Customers mst obtain permission and the installer from Adobe in order to ensure they are licensed to ship the Adobe Flash bits as part of their image.

Note theat the "Adobe Flash Player 11 Support" module they are getting from the WE8S catalog is purely the functionality that is needed to support Adobe Flash should they be able to obtain thos bits from Adobe. It does not include the Flash bits. Hence it is referred to as a 'support' module.


註二:(Feedback from MS)

This is expected behavior as Chrom includes the integated flash functionality. We are not licensed to distrubite flash as part of WE8S so it is up to OEMs to reach an agreement with Adobe for its use on devices. As far as I know adobe have not offered an install option for flash on WE8S at this time.

    Adobe Flash Player WE8S
    創作者 TsaiBiBa 的頭像


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