目前分類:Windows Kinect (3)

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Windows Developer ToolKit 從原本的v1.5已經updated到v1.5.1,這次的小改版增進了Kinect Studio的穩定度及效能、改善臉部追蹤到增加了離線文件(offline documentation)的支援。更細部的改變如下:

Changes in Developer Toolkit 1.5.1

  • We made the following performance and stability improvements to Kinect Studio 1.5.1:
    • Reduced CPU usage overhead.
    • Improved toolbar icons in Normal and High Contrast mode.
    • Eliminated distortion and flickering that occurred in the Color Viewer display during playback using some video cards.
    • Fixed hanging that occurred using AMD Radeon HD 5xxx series graphics cards.
    • Fixed crashing that occurred during playback of .xed files that were recently saved to a network share.
  • We made the following improvements to the Face Tracking feature:
    • The Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking project now automatically copies the appropriate native libraries to the output directory in a post-build step.
    • The FaceTracking3D-WPF sample now builds all configurations.
  • We made the following fixes to the Samples:
    • Audio Explorer – Fixed label captions that were clipped.
    • Avateering – Reference to Microsoft.Kinect.dll is no longer version-specific.
    • Kinect Explorer – Fixed crash that occurred in locales where “,” is used as the numeric separator.
    • Polished the user interface in some samples.
    • We made the following enhancements to the documentation
  • SDK documentation is now available offline. For details see Kinect for Windows SDK Offline Docs.
  • We tested SDK v1.5 and Toolkit v1.5.1 on top of Windows 8 Release Preview and found no new problems. Although that is not yet a supported production platform for Kinect for Windows, we continue to track well towards supporting it sometime after Windows 8 ships.

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Kinect SDK 1.5 已經release出來,這一版跟前一版v1.0不一樣的地方是

1. 近距離骨架追蹤強化: 離sensor 40公分(16 inches)可以被追蹤到。這一版的追蹤速度比上一版的快,所需的CPU resource也比前一版本來的少。


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Kinect SDK 1.0已經release了,如果有source code需要從beta2到1.0,可以參考這篇文章。



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