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這個form對RD來說十分好用,因為可以申請來做測試用。用途跟這一篇的一樣,但唯一不一樣的地方是得在系統上註明"Test Units - Not for Sale" (or equivalent)[各家客戶可以從跟MS簽約的CLA內容裡找到這一句]。

一般來說如果申請ePKEA(WES, POSReady, Industry)的話,因為PID是一個OEM一個Key,所以透過本篇申請的form也會跟透過這篇申請的會一模一樣;但如果你是FES/Pro系列,結果就不一樣了。RD可以透過本篇申請測試PID,待測試完畢得透過一些方式在把PID轉成可activation的PID,至於透過那些方式在後續會補充。


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裡面擷取一些內容如下:Keys obtained through this process are strictly for internal use in nonproduction scenarios such as product development and/or testing, training and OEM support.顧名思義就是讓代理商做測試、開發和OEM的support,不准用在production上。所以Dist要申請不需要填CLA number,只需填Embedded Distrubution Agreement Number,再加上其他的填一填就可送給OASignh@microsoft.com來取得PID了。


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2015 微軟實戰課程日又來囉~這次將由22位身經百戰的微軟最有價值專家MVP主講最熱門的技術議題與實戰的案例分享,包括Microsoft Azure、SQL Server 2014、Web開發、跨平台行動裝置及Universal App開發、ASP.NET MVC 6、Office Mix等精彩議題。歡迎所有IT專業人員、程式開發人員及資訊工作者參加,提升技術競爭力,掌握科技趨勢,晉升為世界級的關鍵人物。


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在今年三月份有客戶問到,WE8S的環境裡若對UWF一直做pooling,試著讀取overlay size的空間,最終會導致整個系統幾乎呈現hanged住的情況,因為整個系統資源被UWF給吃個精光。經過MS T半年來的查找,到最後總算找到Bug(KB2996822)所在,內容如下:

"As a good news I get from the QFE team, they have made some progress in finding the root cause of this issue. Upon discussion with the WDF team and once we worked on the suggestions given by the WDF team we suspect that this issue is because of the way the WDF component object of the UWF driver is parented with the (parent) WDF driver object. We do not delete the WDF Component object of the UWF driver once we finish processing the uwfmgr command request and as the object is active WDF framework doesn’t de-allocate the non-page memory it allocated for UWF and hence we see this memory leak. We are still working with the WDF team is confirming our analysis and finding a solution for this core issue."


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"NV12 codec support is introduced in M10 2013 in WEC7.  Multiple windows or color separation is caused here due to formatting issue in decoder while resizing the output for NV12 and YV12.  NV12 and YV12 are similar format except in NV 12, U and V offsets are interleaved and U plane is first and hence incorrect offset calculation was causing color display mismatch."


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曾經被問到說如何將Windows 7 downgrate 到XP Pro,這裡有一些資訊需澄清一下:

1. 如果是down到已經EOL的產品(Customer XP Pro),這時要簽的合約就是Downgrade Right


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這篇之後,也順便收集一下在MyOEM的.net framework 4.x的下載網址,以節省大家尋找跟詢問的時間。但前提是,必須有MyOEM的帳密才能登入下載。



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現在可以去下載EC2013的update 11已經roll out,有興趣的人可以從Windows Download Center下載。這次更新的內容有哪些呢?如下:

  1. 1. In-box WEC2013 BSP with source code for Freescale i.MX6 ARMv7 SoC platform.:  With 6 months of joint-engineering effort from Freescale, Adeneo and us, this BSP now meets in-box quality bar.  This highly demanded BSP will definitely boost more WEC2013 devices from our OEM and Device partners.
  2. 2. Native WiFi based WLAN Driver with NDISv6 support for Realtek Semiconductor's mainstream RTL8188CU, RTL8192CU, and RTL8188EU 802.11 b/g/n WiFi chipsets.: This generic WiFi driver has been validated on CEPC x86, iMX6Q SABRE ARMv7 and TI OMAP7725 ARMv7 platforms.  It will help make more devices connected.
  3. 3. PowerToys for .NET Compact Framework 3.9: which provides tools for evaluating performance, obtaining diagnostic information, working with WCF and configuring the .NET Compact Framework.
  4. 4. WEC2013 Premium Source Sharing program: which allows OEMs and developers to access more WEC2013 source code to gain deeper technical understanding of this platform, and speed up development (the webpage is under updating to include WEC2013 information).
  5. 5. New WEC2013 EULA Term: is published to give customer more flexibility to use MSFT sample codes across different WEC platform versions. (License Term Link.)


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Because some customers asked me where the links in MyOEM to download Internet Explorer x for their WES system, I list some for reference. If someone need them, just click the link to download.

WES7 IE9 x86:    https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/WinEmbStd/Pages/DP-WinEmbStd7IE9SP1-32bit.aspx?Agreement=Accept&src=db

WES7 IE9 x64:    https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/WinEmbStd/Pages/DP-WinEmbStd7IE9SP1-64bit.aspx

WES7 IE10 x86:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/WinEmbStd/Pages/DP-IE10-32bit-WinEmbStd7SP1.aspx

WES7 IE10 x64:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/WinEmbStd/Pages/DP-IE10-64bit-WinEmbStd7SP1.aspx

WES7 IE11 x86:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/WinEmbStd/Pages/DP-DP-ProdDwnIE1132bitWinEmbStnd7SP1.aspx

WES7 IE11 x64:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/WinEmbStd/Pages/DP-WinEmbStd7SP1-IE11-64bit.aspx

POSReady7 IE9 x86:    https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/wepos/Pages/DP-IE9_WinEmbPOSReady7_32bit.aspx

POSReady7 IE9 x64:    https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/wepos/Pages/DP-ProdDownIE9forWinEmbPOSReady7.aspx

POSReady7 IE10 x86:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/wepos/Pages/DP-IE10-32bit-WEPOSr7.aspx

POSReady7 IE10 x64:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/wepos/Pages/DP-IE10-64bit-WEPOSr7.aspx

POSReady7 IE11 x86:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/wepos/Pages/DP-ProdDwnIE1132bitWinEmbPOSReady7.aspx

POSReady7 IE11 x64:  https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/wepos/Pages/DP-WinEmbPOSr7-IE11-64bit.aspx

WES2009 IE8:      https://myoem.microsoft.com/oem/myoem/en/product/winemb/WinEmbStd/Pages/DP-WinEmbStd2009-IE8.aspx

P.S.: If your system is WES7/WE8S, suggest download them via WEDU. WEDU is the simplest way to download all the udpates for your WES7/WE8S image.


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