
到底Office能不能裝在Embedded system上,這個我想一定是很多人的疑點。當然以MS的角度來看,如果embedded system裝了office,無疑是拿石頭砸自己的腳,不就叫一般普羅大眾取代customer OS成embedded OS?這叫big Windows情何以堪?但又不允許又造成embedded的customer在處理office時非常的困擾,得用open office或是3rd party的替代方案,實在是太不便了。



“Desktop Functions” means consumer or business tasks or processes performed by a computer or computing device. This includes word processing, spreadsheets, database, scheduling, and personal finance. Desktop Functions may include features and functions derived from the MS Binaries or the Company Binaries.


(b)   Embedded System Design.  An Embedded System must not be marketed or useable as a general-purpose personal computing device (such as a personal computer) or a multi-function server, or a commercially viable substitute for one of these systems.

(1)   If the Embedded System performs Desktop Functions, Company shall design the Embedded System to ensure that the Desktop Functions meet the following requirements.

(i)    Desktop Functions must be an integral part of the Embedded Application;

(ii)   Desktop Functions must only be accessed through, and used in support of the Embedded Application; and

(iii)  Desktop Functions operate only when used with the Embedded Application.

意思就是說要的話要把Office 透過工具包在裡面,也就是你不能使用類似一般Consumer PC/Notebook的icon直接按兩下就可以執行的方式去做,必須透過App執行office program。對RD來說製作一個exe app然後透過程式碼的撰寫方式執行word.exe(或其他的)當然都不是問題,但是一定會覺得困擾為什麼要多此一舉?這個有了上述的terms,我想大家就可以明瞭了吧!





    CLA Office Embedded

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